Friday, September 4, 2015

Our Fall Entry And A Free Printable

Fall is the spring of winter
                          ~Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

Fall is one of my favorite seasons and in celebration of September arriving, I've created a Free Fall Printable for you.  My goal is to provide more free printables and some will even include a bit of my watercolor designs...

I shared how to do this Easy Peasy burlap-covered clipboard right here, but you can also put it into a frame or hang it any way your creative mind can come up with...

I've put ours on top of a shelf in our entry area, along with a bit of fall decor...

I'm still in the process of getting all our fall seasonal decor out, but it's the last big weekend at the cottage, so I'll have to finish everything after Labor Day...

No, I do not believe in witches, but autumn and Halloween is one of the few times out of the year that I go a step further in decorating for the season...

Below our entry shelf, we have our handy entry bench, which really comes in handy in the late fall and winter for putting on our boots.  The pillow is from Pottery Barn which I was able to scoop up on sale with free shipping.


  1. Morning Carol,
    How are you today hon? Love this cute printable you did here, very nice. Love how you
    displayed it as well, cute idea.
    Even tho it is hot, it is Fall inside my heart!! Love this season of the year......course, I really love them all, but this one is just a warm and cozy season with earth tones and all the great
    ways we can think of eating pumpkin, and then their are just pumpkins.......just love punkins.
    Have a super great day,
    Blessings, Nellie

  2. Hi Carol, I just loved your printout and used two, one on my mirror in the living room, I might try printing on a clear sheet…wouldn't that be cool, and one for the porch. My sentiments exactly, especially 'Family and Friends'. Thanks so much. If I have your permission I will link this to a post, next week. Thanks and Happy Harvest!

  3. Loved this thanks for linking at The Fabulous Fall party! Come by until Halloween and link any Fall post. Thanksgiving Party begins November 1 till noon on Thanksgiving Day then we begin decorating and planning for Christmas! Come over any time and join all the parties.

  4. Stopping by from Your Inspired Design Link Party. Thanks for linking up with us! I'd love to decorate for the fall but it doesn't feel like fall outside so I usually don't get around to it until October or November lol!

  5. From one Carol to another, I really like your entry vignette and adore the printable! Now if we would only get some cooler temps, I wouldn't have to do so much "faux fallifying!"

    Okay, I have to ask if your middle name is Ann?

  6. This printable is so cute! I'm going to put it in our teachers lounge at school! Thanks for sharing!
    Stopping by from Your Inspired Design. :)

  7. Love this printable! I'm printing two. One for my house and one for my office. It's so cute! Thanks for sharing at Inspiration Thursday. Have a great week!
