Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Great Catch

Luck is being in the right place at the right time, but location and timing are to some extent under our control.
                                                                                      Natasha Josefowitz

In yesterday's bliss list I mentioned about returning to an antique store that was going out of business.  Well, Mr. Cottage and I met Larry (the going out-of-business owner) at the precise time agreed upon.  Even though he had packed up a lot of great items from his shop, he still had a long way to go.  Obviously, Mr. Cottage purchased the cabinet that first drew us to this meeting...

I told Mr. Cottage, early on, that it's going to get painted.  Once we got home, I took a better look at it and saw how the doors worked (or didn't work), and decided for now, that the doors will be removed and I'll paint the interior a contrasting color.  We'll use that area as a bookshelf for all our many books...

I strolled down the basement of his shop and look what I found...

I gave it the sniff test and decided it would be perfect to store artwork in and to help build up my old suitcase table I'm trying to put together for my home studio.

When we first walked into his shop, he was packing glassware onto of a really cool table.  I asked him about this table and guess what?  He said he would sell it to me for $25 and throw in the suitcase for free!  Oh my...

That's a beautiful enamel top which will be perfect for painting on at the cottage.  No rust or chips on the enamel...

And a handy drawer...

I'd say I did great! 


  1. You hit the jackpot!!!!! Love the table.

  2. You scored big time and I love what you are going to do with the cabinet - brilliant!
