Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Another Learning Curve

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.
                                                                                     ~Alvin Toffler

I'm sure you've notice how fast our technology is changing.  You buy a new phone or computer and before you barely get it out of the box, there's always a newer version on the market.  I can remember "the good ole days" before computers came along and how simple life really was.  Those of you who are younger are probably saying "Yah, Right ... Whatever".   I bought a new digital camera a few years ago, and I'm still trying to learn how to take better photos with it.  It's still a hit or miss for me.  Fortunately this blue heron was right on...

And he's currently one of my pride and joys in photography...

Mr. Cottage and I have had numerous computers and laptops over the years.  Months ago, our desktop got some unwanted malware and had other issues, so I ended up reformatting it to it's factory settings.  I still don't have everything up and running on it, but at least it's connected to the internet and I'm running Norton on it.  Once we start spending more time at home versus the cottage, I'm hoping to have it as it should be. 

In the meantime, our good Sony Vaio laptop's hard drive has been running more and more when it shouldn't be.  I know it's just a matter of time and it's going to go caput on us.  I've started backing up all the photos and other downloads to flash drives.  Over the past few weeks, I've checked with our daughter, Nicole, and many of our friends about getting a new laptop.  FYI, Sony no longer sells laptops in the U.S.  So the other evening, Mr. Cottage and I went to the Apple Store and look what we came home with...

As much as I'm not into taking classes and I like learning by playing with my new gadgets, Mr. Cottage and I will be taking a class at their store to learn a tad more.  It's so very different from a regular PC, but we've heard how reliable and secure a Mac is; and I've heard that people who have used both, usually prefer the Mac over a regular PC...

So now I've got to learn the Mac, keep playing with my camera and lenses, AND I'm seriously contemplating about making some physical changes to this blog...

Retirement, what retirement...

This changing world and learning both help to keep us young, as well as grandkids!

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