Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks For All We Have

If you count all your assets, you always show a profit. 
                                                           ~Robert Quillen

Today is Thanksgiving and I know many people around the country might be thinking what do they have to be thankful for.  Many have lost jobs, their house to foreclosure, illness and even death in their family.  If you haven't already seen and clicked on my "gratitude" at the top of my blog page, take a peek if you're one who is having difficulty in giving thanks today.  It's not about material items that matter the most.  It's our loved ones, memories of great times, having food on the table and on and on.

Many of my friends consider me optimistic, always thinking the glass is half full.  That's probably why I frustrate Mr. Cottage so often, because I'm always thinking that everything will be fine and not to worry.  Remember that many of our circumstances our simply out of our control and many of them we made by our own choices, some good and some not so good.  But I read something the other day that really struck me and that is ATTITUDE is everything; and it truly is.  The ill are still grateful, the person who lost their job is still happy for what he has and the person who just lost a loved one is reliving wonderful moments they had with that person.

So enjoy your day today and be thankful and feel blessed for whatever your circumstance is.  Remember tomorrow is another day.  As I write this, I'm anxiously awaiting for our two sons and their family to arrive where we'll sit down and have another great turkey dinner, with all the trimmings...

Have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great day, Carol! I liked your gratitude list!
