Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Have You Noticed Any Changes

Everything changes and, somewhere along the line, I'm changing with it.
                                                                                             ~Eric Burdon

I had a friend come over to our house, many years ago, and I commented to her "I love your new glass frames".  She told me that NO ONE in her entire family had noticed.  Not her husband, not her daughter, not her son, and not the dog!  Even her neighbor and a few other friends of hers hadn't noticed either, and that I was the only one who did.  Geez, that made me feel good.

Anything to do with fashion, decorating and seeing great ideas that I might be able to try doing myself, I usually am great at noticing...

As well as subtle price changes at the grocery store or the fact that the manufacturers are making packaging smaller, thinking that the average person won't notice - yeah, right.

So how many of you, who have been following my blog for awhile, have noticed that I've been making subtle changes?

In case you haven't noticed, I've been focusing more on decorating, sharing great recipes, DIY projects and less and less about my art...

I've contemplated about doing this for quite a long time and I decided it's now or never.  So my blog is officially a Home Decor/DIY blog...

I'll still be sharing my paintings and you'll still have access for purchasing them.  But things are a a really big way!  Stay tuned for more on this!

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