Monday, July 27, 2015

Flowers From Our Gardens

"Each flower is a soul opening out to nature."
                                                               ~Gerald De Nerval

I just have to share some of our gorgeous flowers that have bloomed in our gardens, both at home and at our cottage...

Can't you almost smell this rose...

I just love a cluster of Black-eyed Susan's...

How's this for a different color daylily...

Or our Coneflowers at the cottage...

We're just enjoying our colorful flowers in the midst of our first heat wave of the summer...

Seriously, I'm not going to complain about this little bit of heat.  I'm just going to sit back and enjoy!   Come over to StoneGable and see some great blogs that have linked up.

1 comment:

  1. I share your excitement for summer flowers. Really gorgeous! I was watering my garden this morning and it took me 30 more minutes than usual because I have to take pictures of the flowers are that in bloom :-)
