~Peter Russel
A few years back, I started a new series entitled "Thursday's Ramblings". I only wrote a few postings and it lasted just a few short months. I seriously have no clue why I didn't continue with it. I'm trying to do a bit more with this blog and have decided to revive this series. I'm going to do my best to write about whatever is on my mind on Thursdays. However, it could be a recipe I want to share with you, a great book I just read, photos, or whatever. So let's try this again and start over.
Did you know:
- I've never been back to drive through our old neighborhood or see our house of 43 years, since moving into our condo 2 years ago...
I have no reason as to why not, and we only moved about 15 minutes away.
- It's really true that once you retire, you're busier than ever.
- Many of you aren't aware that we lived through months of remodeling our prior house. The kids were much younger and we had the entire back of our main floor knocked out...
We eventually added a swimming pool and once we became empty nesters, we got rid of our pool. To this day, neither Mr. Cottage nor I want to have a pool again.
- The previous owners of our condo loved roses. This is what bloomed this month...
But, Mr. Cottage and I will be giving these rose bushes to his sister. We aren't into growing roses. We are going to keep a few tea rose bushes, but otherwise we'll be planting different flowers. Sorry all you rose bush lovers!
- I love buying items on sale and saving as much as I can. I found both the table and lantern on sale at Target and I already had all the faux lemons...
- Before moving, we had a huge estate sale. Towards the end, between packing, moving, and selling items for the sale, everything got a bit overwhelming. There were items that Mr. Cottage and I couldn't find after we moved into our condo. Believe it or not, but we think a few items went into the estate sale that we really didn't want to sell. Somehow, I forgot to pack our shredder that was under our built-in desk in our kitchen. After we moved into the condo and we couldn't find it, we realized that it must had sold at the estate sale. There were a few more things missing, like my Snowman doormat that was so cool. It wasn't your typical green and red. It had a navy blue background and I could keep it out for the winter. I had bought it from Kennedy's and it was in great condition. We looked everywhere for it and it too, must have sold. I also thought we might had sold my rustic birdhouse I bought from an estate sale, but fortunately, I found it in the shed at our cottage, just this month...
Whew! I love the rust on it and I'm so glad we didn't sell it. It's now at our condo.
I hope you enjoyed this and will return on Thursdays to read more of my ramblings. Tomorrow I'll have more of our cottage tour, so I hope to see you then!
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